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37th Illustrious Potentate

Noble Stanley L Thomas, Sr


26th Illustrious Commandress

Daughter Anissa Smith

As the Illustrious Potentate of Al-Faruk Temple No. 145 and on behalf of the Illustrious Commandress of Al-Faruk Court No. 94, the Nobles and Daughters.


It is with great pleasure we welcome you to our Oasis, and we hope you find your visit informative and enjoyable. Please take your time to explore our site and learn a little about our members and Shrinedome in Columbus, also known as part of the Tri-City of Georgia. 


“The opinions and pages of this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or policies of the
Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and Its Jurisdictions, Inc.,
Prince Hall Shriners, its Officers, Constituent Temples, and Members.”

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